Web Application Testing
Number of web applications to be tested:
What technologies are used in your web applications?
Are there any specific functionalities that should receive special attention?
Are there any out-of-scope areas or functionalities?
API Security Testing
Number of APIs to be tested:
Please specify type of sensitive data:
Are there any specific API security concerns you have?
Please describe your versioning strategy:
Mobile Application Testing
Please list major third-party SDKs or libraries:
Please describe the type of sensitive data stored:
What backend services does the mobile app interact with?
Red Team Operations
What are your specific objectives for the red team exercise?
Are there any particular threat actors or attack techniques you're concerned about?
What information about your organization is considered "crown jewels" that should be targeted?
Are there any systems, individuals, or methods that should be excluded from the exercise?
What is the proposed duration for the red team exercise?
Select duration
1 week
2 weeks
1 month
2+ months
Security Code Review
What programming languages are used in your codebase?
Approximate lines of code to be reviewed:
Select range
< 5,000
5,000 - 20,000
20,000 - 50,000
50,000 - 100,000
> 100,000
Please specify which tools:
Are there specific security concerns with the codebase?
What documentation is available?
How will code be provided?
Vulnerability Management
How many assets (servers, workstations, network devices) require vulnerability management?
Please specify which tools:
How do you currently track and manage the remediation process?